How It Works

We are supported by ads.
Your Savvy Purse is supported by advertisements. Our site and the sweepstakes are completely free for users because we partner with advertisers, and your data may be shared with them.

You will be asked to opt in.
When you sign up on this site, you will be asked to opt in to view ads, and to receive marketing messages via email, text, and phone.

You will receive marketing messages from us and our partners.
If you opt in, you will receive marketing messages from us and our marketing partners via email, phone, and/or text. If you do not wish to receive marketing messages or have your data shared, please do not sign up or opt in.

You will see third-party ads.
Our site also features third-party advertisements. These ads are provided by third-party companies. Please exercise caution when clicking on any links leading to third-party sites and ensure you read their privacy policies and terms.

You are not guaranteed any winnings.
While you can participate in the sweepstakes on Your Savvy Purse, there is no guarantee of winning. The odds of winning are based on the total number of entries, with only one winner selected each day. This makes winning unlikely for most participants.

More Information:

We offer a free service thanks to your consent to receive marketing communications from us and our partners via email, phone, and/or SMS. You are not required to consent to phone or SMS communications to use the site. However, if you do opt in, you may receive offers on topics including but not limited to:

  • Home Security
  • Solar
  • Health Insurance
  • Car Insurance
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Sweepstakes Entries
  • Medical Devices/Alerts/Services

Additionally, we host third-party advertisements. The content of these ads is not reviewed by Your Savvy Purse, and we are not responsible for the claims made by third-party advertisers. If you click on a third-party link, you will leave the Your Savvy Purse website and be subject to that third-party’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Your Savvy Purse is not responsible for the content or practices of any third-party site.

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